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Tips and tricks that we have learned over the years of keeping tropical fish.



Aquariums are an excellent way to bring a piece of nature into your home or office. Tropical fish, with their bright colors and lively personalities, make for great additions to small aquariums. However, not all fish are well-suited for small aquariums. In this article, we'll cover the top 5 best tropical fish for small aquariums that are easy to care for and will thrive in a compact space. This is  based around a 2 foot (60cm) aquarium around 60L in volume. 


Blue Coral Platy Tropical Fish

Platies are a popular and hardy tropical fish that are well-suited for smaller aquariums. These fish are active, colorful, hardy and come in a wide range of varieties, making them a great addition to any small tank.

One of the main reasons platies are good for smaller aquariums is their size. They typically grow to be around 2-3 inches in length, which means they don't require a lot of space to swim around in. This makes them ideal for small aquariums, where space is often limited.

Platies are very peaceful in nature. They are not aggressive towards other fish and are known for their calm and docile temperament. This makes them great tank mates for other peaceful fish.

Platies are known for their striking colors and patterns. They come in a variety of shades, including red, orange, yellow, and blue, and can have a range of different markings, such as spots or stripes. This makes them a visually appealing addition to any aquarium.

Overall, platies are an excellent choice for a smaller aquarium. They are easy to care for, peaceful, hardy, and visually appealing. If you're looking for a colorful and active fish that will thrive in a smaller tank, platies are definitely worth considering.

Check out some more information on platies here


Otocinclus Catfish Tropical Fish

Otocinclus are small, peaceful fish that are ideal for smaller aquariums. These fish are commonly known as "otos" or "dwarf suckers" and are often used as natural algae eaters in freshwater tanks. 

Otocinclus are small in size, growing to an average length of 1.5-2 inches. This makes them ideal for smaller aquariums, as they don't require a lot of space to swim around in. They are also very active fish and are constantly on the move, which adds a lot of interest and activity to a small tank.

Otocinclus, are peaceful fish that are compatible with a wide range of other fish species. They are non-aggressive and prefer to live in groups, which makes them great tank mates for other peaceful fish such as platies and cherry barbs. 

These wonderful little tropical fish are excellent natural algae eaters. They have a voracious appetite for algae and will happily clean up any excess growth in the aquarium. However, once the clean up all the algae, you will need to feed them a diet of algae based foods like Repashy 

Overall, otocinclus are a great option for a small aquarium. They are small, peaceful, active, and excellent algae eaters. If you're looking for a fish that will help to keep your tank clean and add a lot of interest and activity, otocinclus are definitely worth considering.

Learn more about Otocinclus here

Ember Tetra

Ember Tetra Tropical FIsh

Ember tetras are a popular species of freshwater fish that are ideal for small aquariums. These tiny fish are known for their vibrant orange-red coloration, making them a visually striking addition to any tank.

Ember Tetras are small in size, growing to an average length of just 0.8-1 inch. This makes them ideal for smaller aquariums they are also very active and love to explore their surroundings, which adds a lot of movement and interest to a small tank.

Ember Tetras are also known to be  peaceful and non-aggressive, making them great tank mates for other peaceful fish. However, it has to be noted that they are considered to be fin nippers. Because of this, it is best to keep them in schools of at least 8-10 fish as a minimum. 

Ember Tetras  are a stunning little fish and add a lot of color to a small tank. Their bright orange-red coloration is especially striking against a dark substrate or a backdrop of green plants. They are also very active swimmers and constantly dart around the tank, adding a lot of movement and energy to the aquarium.

Ember Tetras are truly an excellent option for a small aquarium. They are small, peaceful, active, easy to care for, and visually striking.If you would like to learn more about Ember Tetras, you can here

Corydoras aeneus

Bronze Corydoras

Corydoras aeneus, are a popular and easy-to-care-for species of catfish that are well-suited for smaller aquariums. They come in both bronze and albino forms and have long fin morphs if you are looking for something a little bit showy in your aquarium. 

Corydoras aeneus are relatively small in size, typically growing to a maximum length of 2.5 inches (6 cm). This makes them ideal for smaller aquariums, where they can comfortably swim and explore without feeling cramped or overcrowded. Because they like to stay mainly around the bottom of the aquarium, they give a good balance to your set uo, where you might have a crowded midsection. 

These cute little catfish are peaceful and social creatures that thrive in groups. They are best kept in groups of at least 6, but we encourage to aim for a larger group than 6 if your aquarium is suitable. We believe that a 2 foot 60L aquarium can comfortably house 8-10 Corydoras aeneus. A smaller aquarium can enhance the social interactions between Corydoras aeneus, as they are more likely to swim together and engage in playful behavior. 

Corydoras aeneus are hardy and adaptable fish that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They can thrive in temperatures between 22-26°C  with a pH range of 6.0-8.0 and moderate water hardness. This means that they can easily be housed with many different species of fish as long as they are peaceful in nature as well. 

Corydoras aeneus are active and entertaining fish that add a lot of personality to any aquarium. They are known for their playful and curious nature, and are often seen scavenging for food and exploring their surroundings. It is  recommended to keep Corydoras on a soft sand substrate like JBL Sansibar , this allows then to dive face first into the sand to look for their food as well as help protect their sensitive barbells. They are also relatively easy to feed, as they will readily accept a variety of commercial fish foods, including flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods. Corydoras will go nuts over small live worms.

If you want to learn more about Corydoras aeneus you can do here

Albino Corydoras

Bolivian Ram 

Bolivian Ram Tropical Fish

Small, colorful and peaceful fish, Bolivian Rams make a great choice for a smaller aquarium. These fish are peaceful and sociable, making them great for community tanks. They can coexist with other small and peaceful fish such as tetras and guppies. Bolivian Rams are also known to be good parents, so they can be a great addition for your aquarium if you are wanting to get into the world of breeding tropical fish. 

Bolivian Rams are known for their beautiful colors and distinctive patterns. Males have a more intense coloration than females, and they will often display bright orange and blue hues. They are also known for their interesting behavior, as they will often dig and create small pits in the substrate.

Typically growing to a maximum length of 3 inches. This makes them ideal for smaller aquariums, where they can swim and explore comfortably without feeling cramped. Lots of wood tangles, caves, rock work and aquatic plants will make these cool little fish feel right at home. 

Water conditions for Bolivians rams, is easy to achieve, with a temperature range between 24-28c, and a prefered pH of 6.5-7.5, which makes them ideal for many community aquarium environments. Feeding these stunners is also very simple as they will take anything from flake food, to pellets or frozen and live foods. However, the colouration will vastly improve if provided with an insect based food, or frozen or live like brine shrimp.

If you want to learn more about Bolivian Rams you can do here

Cherry Barb

Cherry Barb Tropical Fish

Cherry barbs are a very popular freshwater fish that are often recommended for small aquariums. These fish are known for their bright red coloration in the males and non aggressive (for a barb) but active behaviour, making them a visually striking addition to any tank

Cherry Barbs, only grow to about 2 inches, and are very undemanding when it comes to feeding, taking anything from flake, to pellet, to frozen and live food. Cherry Barbs, will however do better and become more colourful when feed on a high quality food based on insect protein like a Sera Insect  or Fish Science Micro Pellet 

Cherry Barbs are really peaceful making them great addition to a community aquarium, seldomly do they ever act aggressively towards other tank mates. Making them perfect for smaller social aquariums.Their bright red coloration is especially striking against a darker substrate and in a planted aquarium. 

Overall, Cherry Barbs are an excellent option for a small aquarium. They are small, peaceful, active, easy to care for, and visually striking. If you're looking for a fish that will add a lot of color and energy to your tank, Cherry Barbs are definitely worth considering. You can learn more about Cherry Barbs here

White Cloud Mountain Minnows

Golden White Cloud Mountain Minnow

 White cloud mountain minnows are a fantastic option for a smaller aquarium  They are peaceful and are known for their hardiness, and ease of care. They also come in two different colours, which makes a great variety for any smaller aquarium.

WCMM, typically only grow to around 1-1.5 inches in length, and with their ability to go in either cooler room temperature water or lower levels or tropical water, it makes them a great option for people who do not want to heat their aquarium. Because they stay small, you can easily keep 8-10 in a smaller unheated aquarium, making them a great choice over a goldfish. 

WCMM are relatively active, and get nice finnage on them, that the males like to extend when trying to spawn with a female. When they are in breeding dress they are truly a sight to behold, in particular the Sunset WCMM. The beautiful gold coloration contrasts very well against Amubulia and other lush green plants. 

White Cloud Mountain Minnow

WCMM are an excellent option for a small aquarium and are an amazing substitute for goldfish if you want to keep an unheated aquarium. If you want to learn more about WCMM you can here

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