
Consider us your new best friend in the aquarium hobby

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Is light-hearted fun, information, and different views on all things aquarium and tropical fish tank-related

Tips and tricks that we have learned over the years of keeping tropical fish.


The Fish Room Blogs

Anomalochromis thomasi, is a gem among freshwater tropical fish enthusiasts. With their vibrant colors, unique patterns, and fascinating behaviors, these cichlids can be the centerpiece of any aquarium. In this guide, we’ll look into their natural water conditions, the best way to set up your aquarium for them, and detailed breeding tips. 
Ich, or white spot disease, is among the most common ailments in freshwater aquariums. It is caused by the protozoan parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. The parasite forms small white nodules on infected fish's skin, gills, and fins, its most recognisable symptom. The nodules on the skin are where the parasite feeds, protected from the external environment (and any treatments that might be administered). Ich's life cycle includes a free-swimming stage, making it highly contagious and capable of rapid spread throughout an aquarium.
  • 5 min read

A minimum tank size of 60 liters (15 gallons) is recommended for a small school of Lemon Tetras. These fish are social and thrive in groups of at least six to eight individuals, so providing enough space for them to swim and interact is essential.

A dark, sandy substrate helps to mimic the natural riverbeds of the Amazon. Incorporate plenty of live plants such as Java Fern, Amazon Swords, and Anubias to provide hiding spots and create a natural environment. Driftwood and leaf litter can also help to soften the water and add tannins, which are beneficial for these tetras.


The Black Ram Cichlid is renowned for its stunning black coloration, complemented by a shimmering blue hue that highlights its scales. Adult males are generally larger and more vibrant than females, boasting extended dorsal fins and brighter colors. This striking appearance not only adds aesthetic value to your aquarium but also makes them a focal point for any aquascape.
  • 3 min read
When it comes to buying tropical fish food in New Zealand, The Fish Room is the clear choice for enthusiasts who prioritize quality, variety, affordability, and exceptional service. Their extensive range of high-quality products ensures that your tropical fish receive the best nutrition possible, promoting health and longevity. Coupled with their competitive prices and outstanding customer service, The Fish Room stands out as the ultimate destination for all your tropical fish food needs.
  • 4 min read
In the wild, Kribensis thrive in the slow-moving waters of West African rivers and streams, particularly in Nigeria and Cameroon. They prefer habitats with dense vegetation, sandy substrates, and plenty of hiding spots among rocks and driftwood. Understanding their natural environment is crucial for replicating these conditions in captivity, ensuring they feel secure and exhibit their natural behaviors
Amapa Tetras hail from the warm, nutrient-rich waters of the Amapa region in northern Brazil, where they thrive in densely vegetated, slow-moving streams and rivers. These habitats are characterized by soft, slightly acidic water with a pH range of 5.5 to 7.0 and temperatures typically between 22-28°C (72-82°F). The fish in these environments benefit from the shelter provided by submerged vegetation and driftwood, creating a peaceful and secure habitat for their schooling behavior.
  • 4 min read
Lake Tanganyika's vast ecosystem is home to a plethora of aquatic life, and Synodontis Petricola are a key part of this vibrant underwater community. They thrive amidst rocky outcrops and sandy substrates, where they find both shelter and sustenance. These catfish are primarily nocturnal, coming to life as the sun sets, foraging for food among the rocks and crevices. Their diet in the wild consists of small invertebrates, algae, and organic debris, which they skillfully sift from the lake bed. The combination of their distinctive spotted patterns and their agile movements through the rocky underwater landscape make them a captivating sight in their natural environment.
  • 5 min read
Honey Gouramis (Trichogaster chuna) captivate aquarium enthusiasts with their radiant colors and serene presence. Their gentle demeanor and relatively simple care requirements make them an ideal choice for both novice and seasoned fish keepers. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the natural habitats of Honey Gouramis, the essential care they need in a home aquarium, and tips to ensure they thrive.
In 2006, renowned ichthyologist Heiko Bleher made a discovery. While exploring the intricate waterways of the Amazon, Bleher stumbled upon a new species of the widespread Paracheirodon genus, which includes the well-known Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra. This new species, found in the Rio Purus system south of the Amazon River, has captured the interest of fish enthusiasts and scientists alike.
  • 3 min read

Treating fin rot in tropical fish involves a multifaceted approach focusing on improving water quality, identifying and eliminating the root cause of stress, and administering appropriate treatments. 

Over-the-counter or antifungal medications specifically designed for treating fin rot are available. Read and follow the instructions carefully. Treatments like Maracyn (erythromycin) or Furan-2 (nitrofurazone) can be effective against bacterial fin rot, if it is available to you. Methylene Blue can also be an effective treatment available from most LFS and pet shops.  Always consult with a vet or an experienced aquarist before medicating fish.

Effective treatment hinges on accurately identifying fin rot early on. Various treatments are available, ranging from over-the-counter remedies to improve water quality and reduce stressors to antibiotics for more severe cases. In addition to treating the affected fish, addressing underlying issues such as water quality, overcrowding, and nutrition can help prevent future outbreaks and ensure a healthy environment for your aquarium inhabitants.

  • 10 min read

For fish keepers, mastering the essentials of aquarium care is crucial to maintaining a healthy and balanced aquatic environment. After all, happy fish make happy fishkeepers, right? There is a wide range of parameters to monitor. However, the most critical factors to understand are KH (carbonate hardness), GH (general hardness), and PH (potential hydrogen) levels. These parameters play a significant role in the well-being of your aquarium inhabitants and can impact their health and longevity. This article explains aquarium KH, GH, and PH's roles in creating a balanced aquatic environment and practical advice on testing and maintaining these levels for optimal fish health.

  • 21 min read
