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African Butterfly Cichlid

African Butterfly Cichlid

Anomalochromis thomasi

Native Location: Sierra Leone, Liberia & Guinea

Climate: Tropical

Maximum Size: 8cm

Temperament: Community with caution

Diet: Omnivore

Breeding: Easy

Temperature Range: 23-27℃ (73-80℉)

Preferred pH Range: 5.5-7.5

Minimum Aquarium Size 90L (80cmx30cmx40cm)

Potential Tankmates: Tetras, Barbs & Plecos

Care Level: Easy


The African Butterfly Cichlid is native to the softly flowing, clear waters of West Africa, particularly in countries like Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. The substrate in these areas is typically composed of sand and fine gravel dotted with rocks and driftwood, creating an array of hiding spots and territories for these fish. The flow within their natural habitat is gentle, mimicking the serene movement of water through dense vegetation and over riverbeds. Light levels tend to be moderate, filtered through canopy layers of thick foliage, providing a dappled sunlight effect that encourages the growth of aquatic plants such as Anubias and Bolbitis, which are attached to rocks and wood rather than rooted into the substrate itself.

Creating the ideal home aquarium for the African Butterfly Cichlid involves replicating the serene and structured environment of their native West African streams. Begin with a substrate of fine sand mixed with small gravel, which reflects their natural habitat but also aids in maintaining water quality. Choose a lighting setup that provides moderate illumination to simulate the dappled sunlight of their natural environment, fostering a calming ambience while encouraging the growth of low-light aquatic plants like Anubias and Java Ferns. These plants, driftwood and smooth rocks should be arranged to create ample hiding spaces and territories, which are crucial for the cichlid's comfort and stress reduction. When selecting tank mates, opt for peaceful species with similar water parameters and environmental needs, such as small tetras or rasboras, to ensure harmony within the aquarium. Incorporating floating plants can add to the aesthetic by creating shaded areas and enhancing the tank's layered look, making it a habitat and a visually appealing piece in your space.

In the wild, African Butterfly Cichlids have a diverse diet of small insects, larvae, and microorganisms in their native streams. This omnivorous feeding behaviour ensures they receive a balanced intake of nutrients necessary for their health and vitality. To mimic this diet in an aquarium setting, providing a variety of foods is essential. High-quality flakes or pellets designed for cichlids can serve as the staple of their diet, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms to replicate the insect and larval portion of their natural diet. Including vegetable-based foods will also cater to their need for plant matter, ensuring a comprehensive diet that closely mirrors their intake in the wild. This balanced approach satisfies their nutritional requirements and stimulates natural foraging behaviours.

Breeding the African Butterfly Cichlid in a home aquarium is a great experience for any fish keeper. These fish require a well-planned environment for breeding with a focus on water quality, temperature stability, and ample hiding spaces to mimic their natural habitat. A breeding pair should have a nutrient-rich diet to ensure optimal health and fertility. When conditions are right, the female lays eggs on a carefully cleaned, flat surface, which the male fertilises. The dedicated parents often share the duty of guarding their precious brood, showcasing fascinating parental behaviours. Observing the lifecycle of the African Butterfly Cichlid unfold in your tank not only adds a dynamic element to your aquarium but also offers a rewarding glimpse into the wonders of nature.



Dead on Arrival (DOA) Policy: In the unfortunate event that your fish arrives dead, please follow these steps: Within 12 hours of the delivery, take clear, unopened bag pictures showing the deceased fish. Send these photographs and your order number to our customer service email at or to our Facebook page, and we will then offer a refund or store credit for the cost of the fish. 

Two-Week Guarantee Policy: We stand behind the health and quality of our fish, which is why we offer a two-week guarantee starting from the day of delivery. If your fish dies within this time frame, adhere to the following procedure: Take clear photos of the deceased fish. Using a reliable test kit, document water parameters (pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite levels) via a dated image. Please email us the photographs, water parameters, and order number to or our Facebook page. After reviewing your claim, if approved, we will issue a store credit for the cost of the fish. Our two-week guarantee does not cover fish deaths due to unsuitable water conditions, incompatible tank mates or "disasters", i.e. a heater overheating. To prevent such situations, we recommend thoroughly researching each fish species' needs before introducing them to your aquarium. 

 Freight Charges: Please note that shipping or freight charges are non-refundable under all circumstances. We hope this guide makes our refund and guarantee process more understandable. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact us at We are always happy to assist. Thank you for choosing The Fish Room. Happy fishkeeping! 

All our fish are quarantined on arrival for two weeks. During this time, we treat any health issues that may occur during transport and ensure each fish is eating well and looking healthy. All fish are treated with Flubendazole before finally going on sale.

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